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Hey, ISA, YES TECH Shines Again at International Exhibition!


ISA International Sign Expo has been held continuously for 70 sessions, 

and is the world's longest and most authoritative exhibition of 

professional advertising signs, bringing tremendous business opportunities 

to advertisers and professionals from all over the world.


With the theme of "Innovating with Visuals", 

YES TECH has showcased multiple fixed installation scenes 

that allowed visitors to "converse" with the products on-site, 

while offering more interaction space with our customers and friends.


Fixed Installation Scene 

YES TECH displayed its indoor and outdoor fixed installation upgraded products, 

bringing three major solutions of outdoor signage, outdoor curved corner screens, 

and indoor cube to create a fixed installation scene special session, 

making its exquisite booth a highlight.


The outdoor signage solution displayed at this exhibition 

used the Msign series of conventional boxes for outdoor fixed installation. 

Msign has improved the maintenance efficiency by more than three times. 

The double system of thermal insulation and heat dissipation ensured better thermal conductivity. 

Its outstanding performance attracted professionals’ attention. 

The customers not only understood the details of the product performance

but also operated and experienced the dismantling and assembly process by their own.


Secondly, the outdoor curved corner solution happened to be at the corner of the booth. 

The simple and exquisite curve design was easy to identify. 

What’s more, this curved screen could quickly complete the splicing of the curved large screen 

and meet the requirements of the outdoor curved structure display screen, 

achieving seamless corner 3D large screen display

The dynamic and realistic effects amazed the exhibition visitors.



Thirdly, there was the combined Mwall series of conventional cabinets 

with 45°cabinets to achieve seamless splicing at 90°corners. 

This product also has high-definition and high-brightness traits, 

bringing highly color-restored display images, which received high praise from the exhibition visitors.

In the three-days ISA 2023, YES TECH has received strong customer feedback. 

More surprising, YES TECH will participate in more than ten exhibitions 

and will share more new products and applications at the NAB Show 2023.


From April 16th to 19th, 

welcome to visit the YES TECH booth and enjoy a LED display feast of rental stage!

National Association of Broadcasters Show 2023

Booth NO.: C8525

April 16-19, 2023

Las Vegas Convention Center, USA

PRVE:Welcome to Enjoy the Unique Shine that YES TECH Brings to NA... NEXT:Have Not Enjoyed Enough of ISLE 2023? See you at ISA 2023!

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Hunan Yestech Optoelectronic Co., Ltd.


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