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Highlighting the Pinnacle Moments of Sports Events with YES TECH MG Series


In the past year, the sports arena has witnessed spectacular events, spanning from the renowned Bird's Nest in Beijing to Qatar's awe-inspiring Lusail Sports Stadium, transmitting the essence of sports to a global audience and igniting the exhilaration and dedication of athletes. Just recently, China united with friends from across the globe to commemorate a youthful gathering, and the fervor of the sports world in 2023 continues unabated...


2023 Portuguese Super Cup

Behind these splendid moments, each opening and closing ceremony has its own "signature," with profound themes, dazzling stages, and rich elements leaving people with lasting memories. Speaking of dazzling stages, YesTech's flagship product, the MG series, is a frequent presence. With over thirty proprietary patents and its unique "Multi-Functions & Multi-Shapes" capability, it has frequently takes center stages of major international events.

Next, let's take a look at the remarkable performances of the MG series products at sporting extravaganzas!


The World Cup in Brazil

YesTech MG series products made their mark at the opening ceremony of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil with their ingenious and creative designs, enhancing an already spectacular performance.


Incheon Asian Games

At the Incheon Asian Games' opening ceremony, MG series products were used in the magic stage where they alternated between displaying the blue ocean and fiery flames, creating an atmosphere that kept the live audience enthralled.


Sochi Winter Olympics

At the sub-venue of Sochi Winter Olympics, MG series displays provided clear and lifelike visuals, vividly capturing the excitement of winter sports for the live audience and contributing to China's display technology excellence.


The 20th Maccabiah Games

During the 20th Maccabiah Games, nearly 300 square meters of MG products were used in the opening ceremony. They not only contributed to the thematic setting but also showcased the diverse cultural charm of Israel.


Beijing Winter Olympics·Beijing Awards Plaza

The "Beauty and Sharing" award plaza at the Beijing Winter Olympics utilized MG series displays. After undergoing rigorous high and low-temperature tests, they proved to be resilient against the cold, perfectly showcasing the extraordinary achievements of the athletes.


Beijing Winter Olympics·Yanqing Awards Plaza

The application of MG series displays at the "Tree of Life" award plaza was dazzling. The combination of irregular and conventional screens created diverse shapes, highlighting a dynamic and visually stunning stage that epitomized the indomitable spirit of Winter Paralympic athletes "growing" in the snow.


Beijing Winter Olympics·Shougang Park Torch Relay

The large screen at Shougang Torch Relay stage was supported by YesTech. The curved screen and side displays seamlessly blended with the stage, creating a screen resembling the Olympic torch, witnessing the torchbearer's relay and igniting the passion of the Winter Olympics, spreading the Olympic spirit.


The Opening Ceremony of 15th Gansu Provincial Games

MG series products played a crucial role in the visual effects display at the opening ceremony stage of the 15th Gansu Provincial Games, covering a total area of 2,000 square meters and showcasing the magnificent image of Gansu to the audience.


The 17th Games of Shaanxi Province

The central, oversized elliptical tile screen at the Baoji City Sports Stadium in Shaanxi Province used MG series products, covering a total area of 3,000 square meters, delivering an outstanding and dynamic stage display for the Shaanxi Provincial Games.

In these remarkable moments, the MG series products have consistently demonstrated their brilliance on the world's grandest sporting stages. Let's journey along with YesTech and witness how they will continue to shine not only in the world of sports but also in various other domains.

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